Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week 1

Sunday 1-25-2009: Here is my first attempt to begin making "cuppiecakes" from

Monday 1-26-2009: Jonathan was supposed to go to a work related meeting. When it got cancelled, he relaxed with a crossword puzzle...and Snickers cuddled up, too.

Tuesday 1-27-2009: After McKinney schools decided to close at 3, Jonathan talked his manager into being closed that evening due to ice.

Wednesday 1-28-2009: School is officially closed due to the ice we got last night. We heard it pelting our window!

Thursday 1-29-2009: The girls decide that Snickers needs a bath as well.

Friday 1-30-2009: I'm supposed to tutor on Friday mornings. I walked out to find ice on the ol' windshield. Yeah me!

Saturday 1-31-2009: "To be bad or not to be bad...that is the question". I could not decide if I wanted to finish off my pizza from last night or eat my healthy lunch. I chose to be be BBBAAADDD!!!